
Charles Worthington Salon at Home Volume & Bounce Texturising Spray

Well this bad boy has one long name but I promise you it is the bee's knee's!!!

This product aims to increase volume and texture and promises a non greasy formula, and it fullfills this promise 100%. It instantly boosts volume and gives hair texture nice and bouncy. My hair has always been a hassle when trying to add volume, even with back-combing it would still seem limp and lifeless because of my lengthy locks. However that is in the past now I have my trusty spray, its easy to use just a few spritz and your done! You can use this on your roots and it doubles as a dry shampoo with a less powdery look, or you can spray it through the lengths of your hair to add extra umff! My favourite time to use this is right after I have blow dried my hair when it is extremely limp and soft. Y'know that stage where you just can't do anything with it, if you leave it down it just flies away and if you put it up it slips down. A few sprays of this and my hair is so much easier to handle, and because I have to wear my hair up a lot because of work this product is a lifesaver. 

My only issue with with is that it can leave hair a little crunchy, although this can be brushed out and the end of the day so for me this isn't a problem. This is also means it can double up as a hair setting spray. Here it is in action: 
It retails for £6.99 from boots which is a bloody bargain in my books! Have you tried this product? What's your favourite way to use it?


Graduating... Now what?!

Okay so I know I haven't blogged in a verrrrrryyyyyy long time, but thats because this past year has been my final year of my Psychology degree. So you can forgive me right? With uni work piling up and working part time I just did not have the time or energy to read a blog never mind write one. However I am fully committed now to blogging my ass off and getting back onto my blogging game. Soon I will be moving to Manchester which is bigger and more importantly has more make up stands (yes that was an important factor to me). I am so excited to get back into the swing of things and to start working full time and save some money for a house of my own some day. 
If you have any blog posts you would like to see please feel free to leave a comment below I know my blog has had no activity for a long time but please show some support as I will be posting at least twice a week. 

Have a lovely day ladies!!!